Your research paper will consist of at least 12 full pages. The research paper must be double spaced with size 12 Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins on all sides and meet all guidelines in accordance with the most current APA style manual. You will need to submit a title page (1 page), body including an introduction paragraph, literature review/discussion section, and conclusion (at least 12 full pages), and reference section (1 or more pages) all in APA style. Please use complete sentences, appropriate grammar, spelling, and references. You will also be required to use in-text references in your work in accordance with APA style to avoid plagiarism. Information to help with your writing is provided under the APA resources section of the course information tab.
should include a title page in APA style, body (including an introduction paragraph, literature review/discussion section, and conclusion), and reference section. You do not need to include in your paper methods, participants, research design, measures, procedures, results, or tables sections.