compose a five-page argumentative essay with a minimum of three sources and 2 of them should be academic journal articles. the essay should be formatted to M.L.A. style including a ” work cited” page.
writing to an extended audience, a diverse and wide audience such as a magazine or newspaper readership, that has not necessarily read the texts, so clear summarization and interpretation Is the goal. claim question: in dear America, Jose Antonio Vargas stated in the “prologue” “this book is about what it means to not have a home”. throughout the book, he divides his life journey into parts “lying,” “passing,” and “hiding.” how does the narrative structure process outline the complicated series of being moved to the U.S.under secrecy, discovering the truth about his identity, coming out, lying about his essential status to secure work as a journalist, and coming clean publically? how does he understood “home” as a narrative identity?